What. The. Hell.
I was minding my own business that morning, slowly dragging from my morning class to the union for a revitalizing cup of coffee, when I saw it. Yes, IT. It looked like a concert backdrop. From my vantage point all I could see were colorful pictures stretched on canvas two stories high.
Then I got closer.
There was something amiss about these photos. Mainly, I was wondering why there was so much red. Like someone had splashed the subject with ketchup just before taking the photograph.
Want to know why?
This was not a concert backdrop. Concert backdrops did not display 4-foot photographs of mutilated babies like it was an enormous scrapbook page. At least no concert that I’d ever been to had setups like this. Babies in all recognizable forms were covered in blood too red to be real but just enough to make me recoil in disgust. Coffee was not longer and option. My appetite had jumped ship and was halfway to Mexico by now.
Yes, I was awake now, but the anti-abortion rally nightmare was real and still looming down at me.
Worse, I was pissed. I am a college junior. I’ve seen my fair share of freak shows abusing their freedom of speech to push their propaganda on our impressionable values. My freshman year, Preacher Bob called me a whore one day for wearing a knee-length skirt. The next day he told me I was going to hell for wearing pants (apparently, I was trying to be a man and that it was “unnatural.”) Today’s show of intolerance and vomit-inducing scare tactic, however, is just too much.
To add insult to my disgust, there was a tiny bulletin board that read “freedom of speech” and had markers attached so you could give your opinion. So, basically, it’s ok for enormous and grotesque dead babies to be seen from miles away but if I have a problem with it, I must write my complaints on an itty bitty board off to the side?!
What if I’d rather take their approach? I know a few guys with a potato launcher; I’m sure I could demonstrate my feelings about their rally effectively with it. Or maybe I could take those tiny markers and creatively defame their giant eyesores? Something like “Sex is fun” should horrify them enough to get the hell off my campus.
What side you take on the “Abortion debate” is unimportant today. Scaring people to pick your side is wrong. The intelligent people, (which are the people you want on your side, by the way) are only going to shake their heads and back quietly across the debate line where they are safe. Back to the side that isn’t going to make people lose their lunch. Next time you want to inform people take a less dictator-like approach, okay?
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