Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day is for Lovers

I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. Well, I do know why. Before Him (as in boyfriend, not God… just wanted to clear that up), I didn’t have a veteran to go out with on Veteran’s Day. But tonight, staring openly at all the men in uniforms packed as tightly as possible at our local Chili’s, I had a revelation.

As a former single girl, I know how hard it is to find the right mix of funny, smart and good-looking. I believe the saying “you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince” is not only a cliché: it is a fact of life. Women throughout the ages have used sports bars, bookstores and supermarkets as hunting ground for this reason. The more men these locals attract, the better a girl’s chance is of finding one that strikes the right balance. You know what they haven’t tried (aka the revelation you’ve been impatiently reading to finally see)?
Veteran’s Day.
Think about it. At no other time do more single, employed, and hopefully attractive men travel in packs to restaurants and bars to get their free meal or beer. In addition, because they get that free stuff, they are more likely to splurge on something (or someone) else: say, by buying that cute girl sitting next to him a drink? It’s GENIUS I tell you.
So, Ladies, get dressed and get out. It’s time to celebrate our troops.

P.S. I am aware, like in any other social group on the planet, that some military men are less than ideal. My advice? Listen for the word “Reservist.” What that means is he did his time and then, asap moved to part-time to pursue other career-advancing opportunities. Hopefully, med school.

Happy Veteran’s Day!


PPS This post is meant in fun. You remember fun, right?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NaNoWriMo and November in general

Bonjour mes petites chou-chous!

Some time has passed since we've spoken, and while I could go on and on about what a rough couple of months it has been, I'll update you on the positive:

1. I have had not one but two freelance editing gigs in the past month! It may not seem like much, but it was a boost of confidence I sorely needed. It is so nice to get paid for something you do naturally, lol!

2. In an effort to get my butt in gear, I am participating in NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month!) The goal is to write 50,000 words in one month. The real goal is to sit down, shut up and write until the end of the month. I don't care how many I get before the end of the month as long as I sit down to write EVERY DAY. In an effort to keep me honest I will post my progress everyday just before bed. Please be kind.

What are your goals for November?