Thursday, December 18, 2008

The OU Alpha Chi Video- from an OU student's perspective

alphachi2I found out about this yesterday just before my Management *shudders* final. At that time, the YouTube video featuring an Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Oklahoma crying because she had drunkenly taken the fire extinguisher to her sorority house to "make it snow," already had over 5,000 hits. This morning, as I was cruising the blog circuit, it was EVERYWHERE. It has been removed from YouTube since, but not fast enough.
Admittedly, the video is hilarious (in a mean way.) The girl is sobbing drunkenly and trying to apologize for ruining the house. When her "friend" taping the entire thing tries to calm her down, she stutters that she "only thought it would be a little *poof*" and not an explosion of foam. Classic. I can't tell you what I would've given to be there for the foam party. My problem with it is that the director of this film decided it was necessary to humiliate this, hopefully, otherwise sane girl by posting it on YouTube.
It kills me that every time Oklahoma gets press, it always seems to reinforce the "backwards dumbass" image I'm afraid is becoming popular. I also had the history teacher that was taken into custody in 2004 for staging a fake robbery while his wife was home so he could play the hero. He is the reason I aced the AP Euro exam. Unfortunately, the world will remember him for his poorly-thought out plan to score points with his wife.
The point is I feel really sorry for this girl. There are countless college students that drink and do ridiculous things -even destructive things. Pulling the fire extinguisher out because she "wanted to make it snow" is largely harmless. The only reason she's being targeted is because she had the kind of friend we all hope to avoid. The kind that sits back and watches you be an idiot. The kind that goes the extra mile to post it on YouTube so everyone else can laugh at you too!

What do you think?


  1. Hey, I just came across your Re:Fashion Show review. I cracked up when I read what you wrote about me looking like a school teacher. I get told all the time that I look like a librarian so that really made me laugh. Thanks so much for writing about our show! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Take care, Kelli

  2. I admittedly cracked the hell up watching this video, especially when she says "Poof" at the end. I sobered up when I read this:

    "I go to OU and I can tell you first hand this is not as funny as it appears. This girls has suffered unimaginable humiliation, and has since deactivated her facebook account. I know from a current Alpha Chi that she has since dropped the sorority and is thinking of leaving OU."

    :( I feel bad about that.

  3. I came across this video from my Stillwater friends. Apparently it was a hit up at OSU since the "victim" was an OU student. However I do fell sorry for her. No one should humiliate or scrutinize her for it, just move on with life.

    Oh, and I hope all is well with yourself Spazz. Take care, Justin.
